TankClean have provided petrochemical and edible industries with quality tanker cleaning facilities for over 25 years. With a quality professional service, our customers needs are our number one priority.
Tankclean is part of the H&P Freightways group of companies. With over 25 years experience, Tankclean can offer a complete range of cleaning services for the tankcontainer/roadbarrel industry. IBC-s, Livery, and Bag-in-box also cleaned.
Our Services Include
Exterior Tank Cleaning
IBC Cleaning
Livery Cleaning
Interior Tank Cleaning
Steam Heating
Electrical Heating
Lifting of Dry Box / Reefer / ISO Tanks
Storage of Dry Box / Reefer / ISO Tanks
Degasing of Petroleum Tanks
Overnight Parking
Driver Facilities at some sites
Dedicated food cleaning bays
Approved for Kosher cleaning

Tankclean Locations
Tankclean Stockton

Carl Narey - Washbay Supervisor
Mob: 07766 126985

Tel: 01642 614076

Fax: 01642 618669
Tankclean Purfleet

Botany Way
Beacon Hill Ind Estate
London Road
Purfleet, Essex
RM19 1SR

Luke Sheppard - Depot Supervisor

Tel: 01708 864729
Mob: 07810 504281

Fax: 01708 890601
Tankclean Certification

SQAS Certificate Felixstowe

SQAS Certificate Hull

SQAS Certificate Purfleet

SQAS Certificate Thornaby


Kosher Clean Certificate